This is such an exciting day for me! I’m a contributing author for a new book which achieved best seller status in ONE DAY!!
As a little girl, I wanted to be an author. So it is especially exciting for me to actually be a published author!

SACRED SURRENDER, Courageous Visionaries Embracing & Leading In Their Divinity

An excerpt from my chapter:
There are the simple surrenders like, ‘It’s a rainy day and my outdoor party that I was looking forward to isn’t happening’. It still may not be easy to surrender to what is happening, but it’s not complicated. Then there are the more complex surrenders—these are the ones that have many moving parts and may involve loss and grief as part of the challenge.


Are you excited to get your hands on a copy?

Sacred Surrender Book on Table

By purchasing your Kindle version, you’re supporting us to reach more and more people so they can be impacted and inspired by these amazing stories.
The price is $2.99 USD and 100% of the proceeds are going to these amazing charities – Farmer’s Footprint and Women’s Community Shelters.
If you want to know how you can support them further, click on the logos


Thank you so much for your support!
PS Surrender is one of the major themes of my work. I’d love to connect with you about Sacred Surrender — what that means to you, or how surrender could shift your experience. Drop me a line at Cynthia@CenterForInnerPeace.Net


Cynthia Grace Luma

Cynthia Grace Luma

Cynthia Grace Luma is the founder of Center for Inner Peace. As a a holistic psychotherapist and a relationship coach, she’s been assisting clients for five decades to create the lives they want and to find more inner peace and joy. Unlock the secrets to meaningful connections with Cynthia’s new book, The Relationship You Want, How to be Seen, Heard and Understood in the Most Meaningful Relationships in Your Life.

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